Now More Than Ever We Must Be Visible. People in the United States must know we live and breath and that we are a vital part of their community's.
23. April 2017
Self medicating with addictive substances is rampant in New Hampshire and across this great nation. As of March 9, 2017 confirmed deaths in New Hampshire from drug overdoses in 2016 were 456, and this does not even take in consideration of the 22 more cases pending toxicology results. Deaths in New Hampshire in 2017 has been reported to be at least 1 overdose death per day. It has been estimated that 30 percent of the LGBT community struggles with some form of addiction (alcohol, substances,...
20. April 2017
Hey! Are you aware that you are a "Beautiful Creation." Well you are, every bit and piece of you from the outside to the very core of your being. This is one of the main reasons I created ROAR NH. All people deserve the very best that life can offer and because of this LGBTQI people need support and connections. A very long time ago when the world-wide-web first started to take off New Hampshire had many more physical locations, support groups, help-phone-lines and ways for the community to...