First Church is a friend to the LGBT community. Here is our Open and Affirming Statement approved at a meeting of the congregation March 17, 2002
Circle of Faith - Statement of Inclusion
First Church Congregational, U.C.C. is a diverse Christian faith community. We embrace, affirm, and celebrate this diversity with Christian love. We welcome and support all people equally, regardless of marital, social or economic status, race, ability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, age, or previous religious affiliation. We declare our openness and affirmation especially to all who have been diminished by prejudice, bigotry, and oppression.
We offer all sacraments and rites to all who enter our circle of faith, and extend all responsibilities and privileges to those who choose covenant membership.
We honor human relationships that are based on love, responsibility, mutual respect, trust, and fidelity. Knowing that this commitment poses a spiritual challenge, we gently encourage each other to remove all barriers. We are secure in the knowledge that God's love is for everyone.
"The intent of our Affirming Church Directory™ is to provide an online directory so people can locate and visit welcoming Christian churches around the world. We list congregations that meet on a regular basis in a physical location for worship, prayer, service and fellowship. All churches in this directory have confirmed that their congregation, in some form or fashion, is an affirming Christian church. For more details about what we consider affirming and Christian,".
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